03.08.2022: Before I put my new studio into operation, I have a special project in our new house. I paint the walls of the guest toilet myself. We have moved in a few weeks now but the move was a bit bumpy and has unexpectedly taken a lot of time. But now I can finally get to work...
I got the inspiration from a project of a Brazilian design and interior design office office, about which I read a report a few years ago. This work has inspired me so much that I decided to realize such a small highlight in our new house. Already at the planning stage, certain conditions had to be taken into account, not only in terms of dimensions, but also in terms of lighting, electrical connections, etc., so that I could realize my project. The color pattern is based on twelve different shades, which I carefully selected and matched. Except for the toilet bowl and the washbasin, I have now removed all the furniture and appliances in the guest toilet and I start with the preliminary drawing on the raw plastered walls. In order to make the square grid, on which the whole pattern is based, more or less accurate, I bought myself a small laser, with the help of which I can sketch the horizontal and vertical lines exactly.
08.08.2022: Over the past weekend I finished pre-drawing, covered everything and made the first attempts with paint. The project seems a bit more time consuming than I had imagined. At first I thought my hand was skilled enough to draw the contour lines by hand. But I finally decided to tape off the contour lines. I also found that one coat doesn't cover enough and that at least two coats are needed, even three for lighter shades. So the project will keep me busy for a few more days....
17.08.2022: In the meantime, I have applied four of twelve colors and slowly the work becomes routine: masking contours, drawing the fine contour lines with the brush, painting the large areas with the paint roller. With each additional color the space changes and slowly the concept becomes recognizable...
Half of the approximately two hundred fields are painted and six of the twelve colors have been processed. With yellow I had my dear trouble. Some areas I had to paint over four times, so that the color was really opaque...
04.09.2022: Slowly the fields fill up and the end becomes foreseeable. There are still a few empty fields and afterwards there are still some corrections and fixes to be made...
11.09.2022: After two more days of correction work, the moment has come when I remove the construction site lamp and mount the mirror and the ceiling light. In the right light, only will be seen whether the work unfolds the desired effect.
26.09.2022: With final touches, two coats of matte, washable varnish on the walls and finally with the installation of the furniture, I was able to complete the project over the last weekend. The amount of work I have clearly underestimated but the effort was worth it and I am very pleased with the result.
